
 Manžan 13a
 6000 Koper

Slovenia EU

tel.: +386/41/440/460



A national federation, bodybuilding or fitness clubs and other sports organizations : who wants to affiliate with IBFF must provide an Entrance Form signed by the President. When IBFF receive completed entrance form, the affiliation is accepted.

If more than one team of the same Country request to affiliate, they all are invited to take part of IBFF.

The Executive Committee can accept, refuse, suspend or cancel the affiliation of a member of IBFF.

The annual member  fee is 0 dollars.
A members affiliated with IBFF can also be affiliated with other international federations.

But there is more to the IBFF : There is no politics involved in the judging process, in the promotion of competitors or in the "control" of where athletes can compete. If they wish to, IBFF members can compete wherever they please. It is their choice. But once they've had the opportunity to compete in the IBFF shows, why would they want to compete anywhere else anyway.


IBFF AMATEUR ATHLETES  :   On every international competition, competitors are obligated to pay ENTRY FEE that costs 150 eur ( 100 eur goes to the organizer of event and 50 eur go to IBFF federation ).  
IBFF PRO DIVISION :  On every international competition, competitors are obligated to pay ENTRY FEE that costs 150 eur ( 100 eur goes to the organizer of event and 50 eur go to IBFF federation ).  
IBFF FIT KIDS :   Annual membership 5 eur for IBFF federation - for competing to all international events 1 year

Download IBFF.doc