
 Manžan 13a
 6000 Koper

Slovenia EU

tel.: +386/41/440/460







Federation has these goals :

- effort to have professional standards in our work
- supporting our members for professional development
- colaboration with international bodybuilding and fitness experts
- colaboration with organizations and institutions that scientifically and professionally practise sport
- carrying out sports activities according to established sections of individual sports competition industries linked to body development , physical abilities and body power such as :

1) bodybuilding and fitness - amateur ( BODYBUILDING AND FITNESS IBFF )
2) bodybuilding and fitness - professional ( IBFF PRO DIVISION )
3) fitness choreography for children and teens ( IBFF FIT KIDS )
4) power lifting - bench press, dead lift and squat ( IBFF POWERLIFTING DIVISION )
5) fitness and pole dance ( IBFF POLE DANCE DIVISION )

Federation follows this purpose and goals by doing next tasks :

- education for trainers - organization of professional training events such as seminars and courses with goal to gain the title such as Bodybuilding trainer, fitness trainer, personal trainer and international judge
- organization of public national and international sports festivals and events
- edition of newsletters of International bodybuilding and fitness federation
- organization of national and international championships
- colaboration with research and science institutions
- we inform the public about the dangers of using illegal substances in sport
- organization of meetings with similar sports national and international associations and federations
- organization and execution of: workshops, seminars, courses, conferences covering the area of federation work
- promotion of healthy lifestyle







1. OUR AIM It is for the IBFF competitors to have confidence in their Judges.

2. The purpose of a Bodybuilding event is to determine the best athletes on the day.

3. All Judges must strive towards selecting the best athlete.

4. A Judge must be neutral while judging - no personal feelings towards an athlete should interfere with a Judges decision otherwise you may have failed the test of being a good Judge.




a. No watches, jewelry, sunshades or footwear shall be worn on stage during pre judging.

b. No chewing of food or gum is permitted.

c. Competitors numbers must be pinned securely to the left side of  the costume and must be worn throughout the championships.

d. If the competitor is registered in several categories, after the first victory - he is forbidden to compete in other categories (exception is Over All)




a. Posing time for men is limited to 60 seconds.

b. Posing time for women is limited to max. 120 seconds.




a. Costumes must be one color for pre judging.

b. Bikinis and underwear are not permitted at men pre judging.



Hair must be worn off the shoulders not to hide the muscularity of the shoulder and upper back.





IBFF Judges of all grades are obligated to wear the recommended official dress uniform when officiating at all levels of IBFF championships.

Black shirt with the IBFF logo or IBFF tie and dark pants are mandatory for IBFF international judges and IBFF national presidents.




a. No talking with other Judges.

b. Do not influence the decision of other Judges.

c. No coaching and comunication with any athlete.




PHASE 1:  IBFF categories is paraded on stage in numerical order


A:  The Head Judge shall allow the Judges to view the category, front on, for a few minutes. Subject to the number of competitors, the Head Judge shall split the category into half, or quarters, moving the athletes to the left or right of the stage to allow all the Judges to view all the contestants, finally returning the competitors to their numerical order. The Head Judge shall call upon the Judges to select groups of competitors by their numbers for further comparisons.  Judges record their selected contestant’s numbers on Judges Comparisons Sheet

B. The Head Judge controls the Judges selected comparisons, for the ten Compulsory poses.


PHASE 2: Optional Posing Routine performed to the competitors  music


Competitors come on stage individually in numerical order. Maximum time limit to be adhered to, timed from the start of the music to the end of the music. (Walking on, stage with the music playing, counts as part of your time allowance).   There are no comparisons for the Optional Posing time for men is limited to 60 seconds and women max. 120 seconds.




a. Wide shoulder and narrow hips.

b. The upper body and lower body should be in proportion.

c. Good shoulder development arms should not overpower the shoulder caps.

d. The biceps and triceps should be in proportion.  Look for long and full muscles.

e.  The lats should be low into the waist no high lat developments.

f.  Thigh sweeps should be full, good development around knee area.

g. Calves should be long and full.


An ideal men’s bodybuilder physique looks as follows:

The best overall symmetry combined with hard-defined muscle size will always look better than the larger bodybuilder lacking in definition quality is better than quantity.




When assessing a competitor’s physique, a Judge should follow a routine procedure, which will allow a comprehensive assessment of the physique as a whole. During the anatomical stands the Judge should first look at the primary muscle group being displayed, the Judge should then survey the whole physique, starting from the head, and looking at every part of the physique in a downward sequence beginning with general impressions and looking for muscular bulk balance development, muscular density and definition.  The downward survey should take in the head, neck, shoulders, chest, all of the arms muscles, front of the trunk for pectorals, pec-delt tie-in, abdominals, waist thighs, legs, calves and feet.  The same procedure for back stands will also take in the upper and lower trapezius, teres and infraspinatus, erector spinae, the gluteus group, the leg biceps group, the leg biceps group at the back of the thighs, calves and feet. A detailed assessment of the various muscle groups should be made during the comparisons, at which time it helps the judge to compare muscle shape, density, and definition while still bearing in mind the competitor’s overall balanced development.  The comparisons of the compulsory poses cannot be over-emphasized as these comparisons will help the Judge to decide which competitor has the superior physique from the standpoint of muscular bulk, balanced development, muscular density and definition.




a. A National Judge known as a IBFF National Judges is awarded to the candidate successfully passing the National Judges examination.

b. A Candidate for a National Judges Card has to have minimum of two years continues experience in Judging IBFF Contests below and test Judges at National level.




a.  An International Judge can become someone who has successfully been an IBFF National judge for at least two years.

b.  International IBFF president and National IBFF presidents are the only one who have the power to suggest their own National judges to judge on International level championships.





- over 40

(line up, comparisons, routine)

- over 50

(line up, comparisons, routine)

(+ best athlete over 60 and over 70 )



- under 23 years of age

(line up, comparisons, routine)


Mixed Pairs

(line up, comparisons, routine )


Miss Figure

- one Class

(line up, comparisons, routine)


Miss Fitness

- one Class

(line up, comparisons, judged routine, evening dress)


Miss Fitness Model

- one Class

(line up, evening dress, no routine)


Miss Fitness Model Teen ( for girls aged 14–19 )

- one Class

( line up, evening dress, no routine )


Miss Fitness Over 40

- one Class

( line up, comparisons, evening dress, routine )


Mr. Fitness Model

- one Class

(line up, comparisons, evening dress, no routine )


Mr. Fitness

(line up, comparisons, routine)

- Small : up to and including

1,77m ( -100 +0 )

- Tall : over 1,77m ( -100 +0 )


Mr. Athletic

(line up, comparisons, routine)

- Small : up to and including

1,77m ( -100 +3 )

- Tall : over 1,77m ( -100 +6 )


Men Body Building

(line up, comparisons, routine)

Small : up to and including 1,72m

Midle : 1,73m up to and including 1,79m

Tall : over 1,79







Men Categories:

muscular development, muscular balance and proportions, symmetry of development,

muscular definition, overall condition


Symmetry Round ... judge will call for a quarter turn to the right.


The judges are looking for size, muscularity, definition and separation based just upon the eight compulsory poses :


Front Double Biceps, Front Lat Spread, Side Chest ( side of choice ), Rear Double Bicep, Rear Lat Spread, Side Triceps ( side of choice ), Abdominal & Thighs, Most Muscular


Miss Figure:


physical proportions, symmetrical development, muscular tone, posing routine, femininity, presentation.


Symmetry Round ... judge will call for a quarter turn to the right


Compulsory poses : Front Double Biceps, Side Chest ( side of choice ), Rear Double Biceps, Side Triceps ( side of choice ), Abdominal & Thighs


Miss Fitness:


muscular tone, physical proportions, athletic ability-posing routine, beauty, elegance,

presentation (including hair makeup and smile), femininity.


Contestants will be asked to walk onstage wearing their choice of evening/nightclub wear.


Symmetry Round ... judge will call for a quarter turn to the right.


Compulsory poses : Front Double Biceps, Side Chest ( side of choice ), Rear Double Biceps, Side Triceps ( side of choice )


Miss Fitness Model:


(no routine / fashion show - evening dress / bikini round - quarter turns)


Contestants for “Miss Fitness Model” must be of the feminine gender and at least 20 years of age.


Contestants will be judged individually and in group comparisons. In the Bikini round, contestants must wear a two-piece bikini swimsuit ( G-String are permitted) and high heels.


Symmetry Round ... judge will call for a quarter turn to the right


Judges will analyze body shape,muscle tone,overall symmetry, complexion, poise presentation and overall condition. Also, they will be looking for fit, toned feminine bodies and appear to have reasonable levels of body fat. Contestants that are too muscular and walk and / or carry themselves in a masculine manner will be negatively scored by the Judges.






Miss Fitness Model Teen


 ( for girls aged between 14–19 )

- one Class

( line up, evening dress, no routine )


(Look rules for Miss Fitness Model)


Mr. Fitness Model


Competitors will be judged on the balance of their physiques and on a lean healthy appearance. Mr Fitness Model should be lean with low body fat, without extreme definition and vascularization.


Symmetry Round ... judge will call for a quarter turn to the right.


Contestants will be asked to walk onstage wearing their choice of evening/nightclub wear.


Judges look for :


50% body condition

50% appearance in an elegant evening dress


Mixed pairs


The category will include 3 rounds.

The pair must work together to compliment each other, and compete as ‘one’ through the rounds of competition; Symmetry Round, Compulsory Poses, Posing Routine (to music)

Stage Presentation is of utmost importance, with matched posing costumes and tanning. A good pair presentation can impress the Judges on their strength of being able to move, blend and work together as one unit.

The mixed pairs category is judged equally between physique and presentation on a 50/50 score ratio.


The category is not limited to bodybuilding competitors, figure - fitness - model - athletic athletes are welcome but special consideration needs to be taken to the posing styles as outlined below.


Mixed Pairs Rules:


Mixed pairs is to consist of a Male and a Female.

The wearing of jewellery is optional.

The wearing of shoes is permitted for Female.

Physique class poses are to be excuted with the hands closed or opened.

There is only one class, that is no weight or height categories.


Round 1 - Muscularity

Score Percentage of Round 1 - 25%


In this round competitors perform the following compulsory poses:


1. Front Double Biceps

2. Front Lat Spread

3. Side Chest (either side at the choice of the competitor)

4. Side triceps (again either side)

5. Rear Double Biceps (on leg back showing the calf)

6. Rear Lat Spread

7. Abdominal and Thigh


In this round judges are comparing competitors for the following:


Muscularity - The shape, thickness and quality of muscle.

Proportion - The balance of one muscle group against another.

Definition - Muscle separation, definition and vascularity.

Balance - Left side of the body compared to the right, front compared to rear.


Round 2 - Symmetry

Score percentage of Round 2 - 25%


In this round the competitors will stand in numerical order facing the judges and they will perform four one quarter turns - the first will be facing the judges, then the competitors will be asked to make three one quarter turns to the right, thus displaying their physique from every angle.


In this round judges are looking for the following:


Structural Flaws - Faults within the competitor's skeletal structure.

Proportion - The balance of one muscle group to another eg. Lower body to upper body, biceps to calves, waist to quadriceps etc.

Balance - The left side of a competitor's body compared to the right, the front compared to the rear.

Symmetry - The competitor's overall shape and line.


Round 3 - Mixed Pairs Free Posing


Score percentage of Round 3 - 50%

Competitor's will pose to their own music for a maximum of 90 seconds and present a polished, entertaining routine where each athlete moves together as one with smooth transitions between poses.


In this round judges are looking for:


Posing Ability - a polished routine that shows each athletes physique and their ability to blend, flow and work together as one unit.

Presentation - Includes matching posing costumes and tans.

Physique - As outlined in the IBFF criteria




The language used by the head judge on stage judge during the contest is English.





The second most important concept that a Judge should look for in competitors, when judging them from their front view is all aspects of symmetry, This he has to carry out on every individual contestant,

a. Is the overall muscular development, proportional for the skeletal frame?

b. Is the upper body in balance with the lower body?

c. Are   the shoulders chest and abdomen in balance?

d. Are the abdomen, hips, thighs and calves in balance?

e. Are the limbs in anthropometrical proportions, to see the rest of the body?

f. Are the upper arms to forearms in balance?

g. Do upper limbs appear too long, (gorillas like) or stunted, too short?

h. Is there a matching length of upper leg to lower leg, or are the legs too long or too short?

i. Are there any skeletal flaws, which would give reason, that a third degree deformity could exit, and are any deformities visible?


After the Judge have made a reasonable assessment of the foregoing criteria, the Judge can now proceed to make a more through assessment of the muscular development of the physique, and normal procedure is to work from head to foot.