1. Mixed Pairs ( line up, judged routine, comparisons )
2. Masters BB - Over 40 man (line up, comparisons, routine)
3. Masters BB - Over 50 man ( line up, comparisons, routine ) + best athlete over 55
4. Masters BB - Over 60 man (line up, comparisons, routine) + ( best athlete over 65 / over 70 / over 75 / over 80 )
5. Juniors BB - under 23 years of age (line up, comparisons, routine)
6. Ms Wellness ( line up, comparisons, not-judged routine )
7. Ms. Figure - one Class (line up, comparisons, not-judged routine )
8. Ms. Fitness - one Class (line up, judged routine , comparisons )
9. Ms. Fitness Model ( small ) - Up to 168 cm ( line up - quarter turn comparisons )
10. Ms. Fitness Model ( tall ) - Over 168 cm & including 168 ( line up - quarter turn comparisons )
11. Ms. Fitness Model Over 35 - one Class ( line up - quarter turn comparisons ) + Best Model Over 40 / Over 45 / Over 50 / Over 55 / Over 60
12. Ms. Fitness Over 40 - one Class ( free posing routine , line up, comparisons )
13. Ms Sport Model - Sportswear round - one class ( NOT BIKINI ) ( line up, free posing routine, comparisons - quarter turn to the right )
14. Mr. Fitness Model - one Class ( black boxer ) ( line up – quarter turn comparisons )
15. Mr. Physique Small ( boardshorts ) - up to and including 1,77m ( line up, comparisons, quarter turn )
16. Mr Physique Tall ( boardshorts ) – over 1,77m ( line up, comparisons - quarter turn to the right )
17. Mr. Physique Over 40 ( boardshorts ) ……..( line up, comparisons - quarter turn to the right )
18. Mr. Fitness / one categ. ( -100 +0 )……..( line up, comparisons, routine )
19. Mr. Athletic - Small : up to and including 1,77m ( -100 +3 )…….( line up, comparisons, routine )
20. Mr. Athletic - Tall : over 1,77m ( -100 +6 )……( line up, comparisons, routine )
21. Mr Muscle Model / colored boxer ( -100 +7 ).........( line up, comparisons, judged routine )
22. Men Body Building Lightweight categ : up to 70 kg (line up, comparisons, routine)
23. Men Body Building Middleweight : up to 80 kg ( line up, comparisons, routine )
24. Man Body Building Light Heavyweight : up to 90 kg ( line up, comparisons, routine )
25. Man Body Building Heavyweight : over 90 kg ( line up, comparisons, routine )
26. IBFF PRO Physique men – one class ( line up board shorts, quarter turn comparisons )
27. IBFF PRO Model woman ( line up evening dress, comparisons in bikini, quarter turn to the right )
28. IBFF PRO Physique woman ( line up, free posing routine, comparisons )
29. IBFF PRO Bodybuilding men - one class ( line up, free posing routine ,comparisons )
30. IBFF PRO bikini ( line up evening dress, comparisons in bikini, quarter turn to the right )
31. PRO CLASSIC man ( black boxer, max BW +7, comparisons, free posing routine)